Thursday 14 October 2010

New traffic scheme operative as from TODAY

As we announced here, and finally produced a map here (image, click to enlarge as much as you like), plus the fact that we encountered and spoke to a Local Police person standing guard at the bottom of the ski slope (sorry, Calle Autoridad Portuaria), the new traffic scheme is operative as from today. Actually, the policeman's words were, "as soon as they've finished their coffee". There is not a single sign of any kind, not paper, tin or anything, on any of the newly diverted streets or roads to alert those who don't look at websites. Again, we found foreign tourists looking puzzled and frustrated. Our dreadful German, peppered by much gesturing and English, did manage to direct one very angst-ridden family out of the village, which necessitated accompanying them to Corral de Concejo and pointing downhill. We gathered that they just gave up on seeing the castle... they won't be back, either.

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