Sunday 10 October 2010

Tarara-tarara-tarara-ra - We proudly present...

... a nightmare of arrows that may or may not get you around, in and out of Jimena over the next month or so. We promised a map that matched the convoluted instructions that came out of the Town Hall, and here it is. (Just click on it to enlarge - but you know that by now, don't you?) However, JimenaPulse, it's owner, manager, writer and chief bottle washer will accept absolutely no responsibility for its accuracy and will most certainly slap you in the face if you blame him for any accidents that might occur as the result of the directions published here. (Incidentally, this map took over half  a day to interpret and concoct; how much is your time worth? Have you made a donation to JimenaPulse lately?)

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