Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Cinderella raises €2,200 on its first weekend and is headed for Jimena

Cinderella, the Spanish version directed and produced by Ian and Victoria Cann in Castellar, and which premiered on Friday, raised €2,200 for the village's parish church. With another weekend of shows to go (see UpComing Events calendar on sidebar) it is hoped local response will be as good. After that, the show is scheduled for Jimena on February 5 and 6 at the Reina Sofía Cultural Centre in Estación, at 8pm. The aim this time is to raise funds for the Instituto Hozgarganta end of studies trip, which, say the students, is very hard this year because of the recession. But there is still another weekend to go in Castellar (check UpComing Events calendar) so there is no excuse for missing what we're told is great fun!

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