Monday 23 August 2010

Not just a pretty face!

At the considerable risk of becoming a highly specialised site (come to think of it, it might be more lucrative), we have acceeded to our friend Phil Heinzl's request for information on this pretty little insect, of which more photos below, including a highly scientific one. Below you will also see his e-mail to us, which is illustrative of Phil's ongoing quest for knowledge. The fact that he spends so much time taking photos of bugs and frogs and dogs and rainbows and lightning is probably illustrative of a certain imbalance, something his lovely wife Yvonne might confirm. (See Philip's JimenArte page here)>
See Phil's e-mail below the pics
Here´s a different look on with envy or the morning after the ferria feeling .  I know that this is a rather smart looking grasshopper , but is it anything special ?
I have searched the internet and found results ranging from kung fu to nursery tales, but none identifying this species.   Maybe someone out there in the real world has an idea.
regards, Phil

1 comment:

Simon said...

Can't see pix on my lappy