Saturday, 11 February 2012

For the love of Art

JIMENA It's a time for love, according to the calendar (we thought it was all the time, but Tuesday is Valentine's Day, according to trade and commerce). But this a different kind of LOVE, Carolina tells us from Case Verde Agaden. "We have invited local artists to exhibit for a week," says she. So, the exhibition opened today, and remains so until Friday next, the 17th. Opening hours are the Casa Verde usual: Afternoons from 5 to 9 on weekdays, and all day on weekends. Ah, it is also open all day on Tuesday. (Prospero note: The Casa Verde is one Jimena's prize houses, renovated and maintained by Agaden, the environmental pressure group, with the help of us all: there is a nice little shop and a lovely cup of coffee -or something stronger. Well worth a visit! It's just below the Ayuntamiento on Calle Sevilla.)

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