Saturday 9 July 2011

This year's Verbena will be on Saturday, 23rd

(Photo: TioJimeno)
JIMENA (TioJimeno) The dictionary defines verbena as Fiesta popular con baile que se celebra por la noche, al aire libre y, normalmente, con motivo de alguna festividad. And that is exactly what goes on in Jimena's Barrio Alto (Upper Section): A popular fiesta with dancing that is held at night, in the open air and, normally, because of a festivity. Don't know about the last bit, as there may be a saint involved but we're not sure. In any case, Mayor Guillermo Ruiz got together last week with his Councillor for Festivities and representatives of the organizers to set out the details (Photo). The date, then: Saturday, July 23rd. The venue, as always, Plaza de La Victoria, just outside the lovely church of the same name. Other details: a Salsa and Pasodobles Competition (this is about dancing, and we have to look up pasodoble for a definition, later). That starts at midnight, after having elected a Queen and Cortege. Oh, yes, the verbena has all the trappings of a full-blown feria, but it is much closer to home, more intimate, and thus (to our mind) more enjoyable. It does not contain kiddies' rides, which will come as a relief to many.

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