Tuesday 15 March 2011

How to frighten the elderly for not paying taxes

JIMENA (Via e-mail) A reader who wishes to remain anonymous sent us this notice (click to enlarge) from the Servicio Provincial de Recaudación, the provincial tax people, advising that their bank accounts would be attached and their name added to the list of delinquent payers, unless they paid the money they owed into an account within a few days. The notification came with a letter explaining it all. The woman, elderly and non-conversant in Spanish, was practicaly crying when we spoke to her. And how much was the demand for? €0,02 - yes, 2 céntimos! How much did it cost the tax people -better still, the tax payers- to send out this notice?  Are we not in the teeth of a severe recession? Is it necessary to frighten the elderly like this? If it had been for a considerable amount, it can be understood, but 2 céntimos? (Please note our last post about consumer rights...)


Juan Antonio said...

Estimado Alberto,
El art. 3 de la Ordenanza sobre el IBI en Jimena establece la excepción de cobro para los recibos cuyo importe sea inferior a 3 euros.

Esto es así, según se explicó al Pleno en su momento, porque por debajo de esa cifra cuesta más la gestión de cobro que el recibo, y ya no digamos si el recibo es de 2 céntimos.

En el caso que indicas es un recibo de rústica, según me ha parecido leer, pero obviamente se deberían haber aplicado los mismos argumentos para que quedara exento.

En un próximo pleno propondré personalmente que esto se modifique si se debe a esa palabra, para evitar errores tan vergonzosos con el que indicas.

En todo caso, este es sólo un síntoma más de los problemas que ocasiona haber delegado los cobros a la Diputación Provincial, con un coste de más de 400 mil euros al año. Dinero más que suficiente para montar una oficina de cobro local que conozca a la gente y pueda hacer más efectiva la gestión.


Juan Antonio Vázquez

PROSPERO said...

Dear Alberto:
Article 3 of the Regulations on IBI (Council Tax) in Jimena sayss that debts under €3 are exempt from billing.

This is so, as was explained at a Plenary Session of the Council at the time, because it costs more to manage the bill than the money received. I won't even mention a bill for 2 centimos.

In this case you publish it is a 'rustica' tax, as I think I read, it is obvious that the same criteria should have been applied for its exemption.

At the next session I will personally propose that the rules are modified if the problem is that word, so that such shameful errors as this can be avoided.

In any case, it is but one more symptom of the probelms arising from having delegated tax collection to the provincial authorities at a cost of over €400,000 a year, an amount that is more than enough to set up a local tax office where everyone is known and can be more efficient.