Saturday 6 November 2010

In response to 'destruction for destruction's sake'

This came in via e-mail, about our previous item: "I took my sister up to the castle today and round the side past the Moorish Queens Bath to the lovely carved out rock with the overhanging bit. Have not been there for ages, it is true, but was horrified to see someone had sprayed a horrible graffitti 'tag' on there. Why, why, why?! You can use my picture if you want but please don't print my name as I don't want 'la ruina' either!!!" PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE ANY PHOTOS OF THIS KIND OF THING, SEND THEM IN! WE MUST STOP IT!


AUMOR said...

¿Donde está exactamente la pintada , Alberto?
¡Que horror!

PROSPERO said...

Según dice la persona que lo envió, está 'pasando el Baño de la Reina Mora donde hay un precioso abrigo'. En la foto parece el techo del abrigo. Habrá que ir a verlo.
En todo caso, cualquier pintada de este tipo es absolutamente inaceptable - tan inaceptable como lo que pasó en Laja Alta cuando alguno cinceló una pintura...

Sue said...

We need Bobbies on the beat or some kind of security guard service to walk the areas around town where the bored,youngsters tend to hang out....parks,paseo,barato etc to stop graffitti,vandalism,threatening behaviour.This would also stop the problem of "la ruina".......why bother with over half a million´s worth of improvements to the castle,when the rest of the town looks like a dump.These kids should be made to pay in some way or face the consequences.