Thursday 30 September 2010

Reflections of Jimena

Gonzalo Polo is an artist. A painter, sculptor, photographer, web designer - a creative talent, in other words, who is 'just passing through' the village, though he seems to have been here for a while. He has kindly sent us a series of photos he has placed on Facebook that he describes as follows: Jimena vista a través de sus reflejos, reflejos que a veces se doblan, reflejos que se invierten...sólo reflejos...y más reflejos. Nada es verdad...todo es mentira. Jimena seen through its reflections, reflections that are sometimes doubled, reflections that are inverted...only reflections...and more reflections. Nothing is true ... everything's a lie. (Please send in any photos you think we'd like to put up here, preferably of where you live or have visited, with a little description of the place and of yourself - or send us a link to your pictures.)

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