Individual, bag by bag collection has been a long standing practice in Jimena, most recently the result of a lack of containers throughout the municipality and particular difficulties with the layout of the old quarter of Jimena village.>
However, more containers placed strategically and an increasing awareness of their use will allow for the complete elimination of individual collection, which will get rid of bad smells and health risks, particularly in the summer heat.
According to García, the real challenge is to find adequate places at which to install the containers, given the narrow, steep streets of Jimena. Her department and Mancomunidad will do everything possible to find the right locations before the elimination of individual collection.
Noelia García has again appealed to our citizen’s conscience by reminding us of the need to apply the regulations regarding the placing of waste in containers: this should be done after 8pm. “with the arrival of summer we do not want to repeat the problem of bad smells emanating from the containers, and the only way we can deal with it is through our responsibility as citizens. And should anyone see the regulation being flouted, we ask that they be reported, and an appeal made to our neighbours,” said García.
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