Wednesday, 14 March 2012


I've had e-mails, phone calls and questions in the street: Why couldn't I see JimenaPulse yesterday? My answer has been an explanation of how it would be like if you, Dear Reader, had not subscribed to the site. There is a hardcore of about 120 daily readers, and between 200 and 350 who look in at least twice a week, depending on the time of year. And only five people who have made a donation in the last twelve months! Thanks to the present economic climate, advertising has dwindled and I've had to make allowances to many of my faithful advertisers to help them help the site. But despite my pleading for donations, I regret to say that you have not responded. A short article takes about an hour to publish: it has to be found, bookmarked, translated, edited and put up on the site. It is a lot of work to put out each day - and sometimes I have to put it aside so that I can afford to eat (this is not a lie, as good friends will attest). It is becoming increasingly obvious that JimenaPulse is taken for granted by those who seek and use information about Jimena, so I have a couple of options: 1. To give it up altogether; 2. To require subscriptions for which you have to pay. It is up to you, Dear Reader: please make your comment below, and your donation via PayPal on the sidebar, or in person. PROSPERO


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work I appreciate it must be very time consuming

Donation has been sent

Dave B

Tanya said...

Come on everyone, spare a few euros for our friend who always keeps us updated with the local news and events taking place in and around Jimena.