Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Painting Jimena in Australia

Hang on, let's see if we got this right. This is a photo of Lizzie (Elizabeth Gray), who lives and works in Australia but is possibly South African. Lizzie is a friend of Renate who is South African but lives in Jimena . And Lizzie is painting a great big picture of Jimena. Is that about right, ladies? Is there anything more we need to know? Like, why? Has Lizzie been to Jimena yet? If not, why not? Who's the picture for? Things like that. (Memo to monkeys: Send the link to this item to Lizzie and Renate. Maybe they can elucidate with a comment or two... Memo from monkeys: Yes, boss!)

1 comment:

PROSPERO said...

Very prompt reply from Elizabeth Gray via e-mail: "Well very interesting to see me and my painting on the Jimenapulse blog! Yes
the painting is a commission. Renate, who lives in Jimena has quite a number
of my paintings and wanted a large one done of the village because she loves
it so much. Renate and I are friends from Johannesburg in South Africa and
yes I am South African and live in Perth, Australia but send work all over
the place. Although I've not visited Jimena yet, Renate has sent me a myriad
of photos of the village and so I'm working from them. I hope to visit next
year in July and possibly bring some more paintings with me for an
exhibition. I've been an artist for most of my adult life and studied art at
Rhodes University in South Africa and paint a lot of subject matter but
mostly figures. Maybe Renate can show you sometime! I've attached a couple
of images for you to see and have a website which I'm currently developing.