Thursday 31 May 2007

People you should know: Primary School Head Teacher

Juan Rondón is the headmaster of the primary school, the official name of which is Colegio Público Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles. As the school term ends, and if your child has not yet been to school, you will need to register him/her in June. It is worth turning up at the school (Secretaría, 1st floor, 1st entrance), to ask what you need to do. As far as I know, there is no-one who speaks English, although there is a teacher of English if you're desperate. The law states that all children have a right to free schooling, resident or not, though you will have to show a Certificado de Empadronamiento to show you belong to this municipality and obtainable from the Town Hall (Ayuntamiento, 1st floor, office on the left). As for the secondary school, if your child has been going to the primary school you will not need to register him/her as this is done automatically. If he/she hasn't, you will need to find out from the school secretary at the Instituto Hozgarganta, just below the medical centre. Sorry, don't know which door, but there is a glass booth on theright as you go in to the main building. And you need to be rung in at the gate, which happens when you press the bell.

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