Thursday, 3 March 2011

Power cut slows whole village down

JIMENA A power cut in Jimena that started at 7.45 and ended, partially, over an hour later, although the power was, and is as we write, very low indeed, has slowed the village down, as it always does. The Post Office, banks and other businesses were unable to attend to their clients, and worst of all - no coffee!! The phones at the Ayuntamiento are ringing busy all morning (we've been trying to find out if they know what caused the cut); the alarm at the pensioners' day centre have been ringing since 7.45 AND NOT A SINGLE POLICEMAN HAS TURNED UP, which they are supposed to do. We now have reports that the lights went out in San Pablo, but we have no news of anywhere else (do you?) And it is still at half power at whatever time this post is posted ... But Endesa ain't half fast in cutting you off if you don't pay!


Simon said...

It took ages to do my bit of toast this morning - it never got properly brown :(

Tanya said...

The power went off here in Marchenilla at 7.45am as well.