Saturday 19 June 2010

Susana Odell, environmentalist

(By e-mail from our regular contributor Wendy) "A few of us had a lovely afternoon down by our beautiful river until Susana spotted all the rubbish somebody had left behind - plastic bottles and packaging and tins. Our hero swam over, collected all the rubbish up and then swam back. What an example to us all and a big 'BOO' to whoever it was that left it all there. We are so lucky to have such a lovely river to swim in and picnic by." We couldn't agree more! It's so easy to take the rubbish with you when you leave - but that requires an effort... (An idea for all of us who walk along the river: take a plastic bag with you and pop any rubbish into it and dispose of it later. Of course, if we all did that, Susana wouldn't have a job...)

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