Wednesday 24 March 2010

Former Instituto head has sentence revoked

(Agencies) The Administrative Court of Cádiz has ruled in favour of the former head teacher at the Instituto Hozgarganta in Jimena, Ignacio Aguilar, in his appeal against a resolution by the Junta's Education Council that revoked his position as the Director, which alleged 'grave failure to meet the required standards' of the post. The matter goes back to 2006, when Aguilar had a confrontation with the then Schools Inspector, Gemma Torres, who began to write negative reports about him. These documents included>such items as serious disciplinary problems and ended in Aguilar being withdrawn from the headship by the provincial delagate for Education, Manuel Brenes. "The eight charges against him have been revoked, one by one," according to Comisiones Obreras union regional secretary Sebastián Alcón, who pointed out that Aguilar "always had the support of his union as well as that of the School Council, the parents' association  (AMPA) and many school directors in the region.

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