Wednesday 27 January 2010

Parish party raises almost €2000 for Haiti

A party organized by Father Antonio Nuño, the parish priest, took place on Sunday at the Santuario in Estación. The objective was to raise money for Father Antonio's order, the Misioneros Oblatos de María Inmaculada, who have long worked as missionaries in Haiti. Father Antonio, who also sings and composes music, put together a choir of children who were joined by some 300 people, mostly from Jimena. After a slide show of the damage to Port-au-Prince, a merienda ('high tea') was provided by the local community, though enough food was left over for much of it to be sent to charity dining facilities in Algeciras. A total of €1948.50 was raised, half of which went to Cáritas and the rest to the Oblate Missionaries Haiti accounts. (Please go to Help Haiti Now! to find out how you can help, too.)

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