Thursday 5 November 2009

Unemployment record in the Campo de Gibraltar

(Agencies) Unemployment in the Campo de Gibraltar registered record numbers in October. The total for the Campo area is 35,266 registered at the SAE (Servicio Andaluz de Empleo), an average of 2.82% since September, according to statistics announced yesterday. This is an average of 31 people per day. Not a single municipality escaped the rise in unemployment, with Algeciras and Tarifa registering the worst figures in absolute terms. The latter showed a 9.16% rise, just under Castellar, which registered 9.67%. The figures by municipality are shown below.>

Algeciras ------------------------- 15,139
La Línea -------------------------   9,706
San Roque -----------------------   3,696
Los Barrios ----------------------   2,751
Tarifa -----------------------------  2,336
Jimena ----------------------------  1,241
Castellar --------------------------     397
Campo de Gibraltar ------------ 28,833

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