At the same time, manipulating the GPS while driving has an adverse effect on lateral movement, which could cause the vehicle to come off the road or move it to the wrong side. Risks increase on straight stretches because the driver "feels safer and therefore pays more attention to the GPS." Over 1.5 million units are sold each year in Spain.
Loss of points if caught using SatNav
Pedro Valero, technical director of the study, thought that "before the end of th year" manipulating the in-car system while driving will incurr the loss of three points from drivng licenses, plus a fine of €150.
Pedro Valero, technical director of the study, thought that "before the end of th year" manipulating the in-car system while driving will incurr the loss of three points from drivng licenses, plus a fine of €150.
"Manipulating the GPS while driving is a bad idea," said Valero, "and comparable to using a mobile, with some differences."
Spain's Traffic Laws are about to be strengthened to include all kinds of distractions while driving, including combing one's hair, putting on lipstick or make-up, attending to a back seat passenger, etc.
María Paramés, Director of External Relations for Líne Directa, pointed out, "Ideally, route plans would be set up before beginning the journey, the device would be placed where it doesn't obstruct our vision, it would be anchored firmly and not loose on the dashboard nor in the airbag areas, blocked for use while driving and manipulated, if necessary, by a passenger."
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