Friday 30 September 2011

Parents asking for your support

JIMENA The parents association at Jimena's primary school are out there today, at the entrance to our Friday market. They are asking for our support by signing a petition demanding the extra teachers that were removed at the beginning of the school year. The top of the paper translates as follows: "The signatories, fathers, mothers and neighbours of Jimena de la Frontera, are committed to making sure our children, the future of our home town, receive  DIGNIFIED EDUCATION, and therefore manifest their indignation to the Education Authorities, about the fact that the C.E.I.P. Reina de los Ángeles has not been allowed to make available the minimal resources necessary to guarantee the obligatory education of our children. Therefore, we demand that 1º de Primaria be split into two classes, which will ensure normal teaching possibilities and the support needed at the school." (See the petition below)>>>

Column 1: Name and surname
Column 2: NIE number (only residents can sign)
Column 3: Signature

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