Friday 2 September 2011

Novena 2011, carry on regardless

LOS ÁNGELES  (neé Estación) There will be those who wonder why we haven't made more of our favourite local feria, known as the Novena. For one thing we have been busy earning a crust and for another, we have yet to receive a programme from the Town Hall or anyone else (if you have one, please drop it by the office), and, being carless, we therefore have to rely on our good friends at TioJimeno for information and reportage (you can see a lot more about it there, too!). We are very sorry to miss this lovely little feria but can offer today's activities below. Several things went on last night (see TioJimeno) and lots going on today and tomorrow. (Editorial: You will notice that La Novena is much better organized and offers many more events and activities than anything in the main village. It also appears to be much less 'political', with neighbours joining in to help and take part. A lesson that really must be learned up the hill.)

-10:00 V Encuentro Dominó Novena. -11:00 Semifinales del Torneo de Ajedrez “ Guillermo Jiménez”, en el Centro Cultural Reina Sofía. 
-18:00 En Calle Algeciras, XXIV Milla Urbana “MICHIGAN”, organizada por la Concejalía de Deportes y la Delegación Municipal de Los Ángeles, con inscripciones para los participantes una hora antes. 
- 20:30 Partido Femenino de Futbol Sala entre Solteras y Casadas. 
-21:00 Tradicional Partido de Fútbol Sala entre Solteros, Casados, Divorciados y Arrejuntados. 
-23:00 En la Caseta Municipal, XXX Festival Flamenco de la Estación de Jimena, organizado por la Concejalía de Cultura y la Delegación Municipal de Los Ángeles.
-23:30 Música Disco y Gogos, en la Caseta de la Juventud.

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