Monday 17 May 2010

Readers ask about an Endesa letter re your ICP

Several people have stopped Prospero in the street to ask about a letter they received from their electricity company, like the one here, our old friend Endesa. Why nobody has asked us online, we cannot fathom;  it's the kind of thing we are here for (what would you do without us?). Back to the letter. Our sponsors TheTranslationPeople have kindly translated it into comprehensible English, available below. If you have any questions, ever, please do not hesitate to contact us - we will do our best to help.>
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Dear customer
The Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through 'Royal Decree 1454/2005' has ordered electricity Distributing Companies to control the installation of elements to control power (ICP) with all their customers.

The ICP is a gadget placed in the fuse box, inside your house. Its function is to control that the power you receive does not exceed the power you have contracted, with an additional element of safety to the installation.

In compliance with Order ITC/1857/2008 we hereby inform you that according to available data, your installation (i.e. fuse box) does not have an ICP. You should have one installed. Should this not be so and if you do have one, please communicate the fact to us as soon as possible.

In order to make installation easier we inform you that, according to cutrrent regulations, you can do one or other of the following:

  1. Buy an ICP from a trustworthy authorized electrician. Once it has been installed, we will proceed to verify and seal it.
  2. Rent an ICP; in which case you should get in touch with Endesa Distribución Eléctrica. The regulated rental price of an ICP is €0.06 per month for a single-phase unit, and €0.12 per month for three-phase one. In this case you must have a support box in which to install it. The ICP rental price does not include the cost of the support box.

In either case, in addition to the cost of purchase or rental of the ICP, there is a one-time payment of €9.04 for verification and sealing (derechos de enganche).

You can also find out more on, or contact us via Customer Service on 902 509 600 or go directly to one of our Service Centres, referred to on the back of this letter. We will be glad to help.
(Signature, etc.)

1 comment:

CraftyPip said...

Armed with our contract ,letter and a photo of our installation, we went to San Roque to speak to Endesa. They were very helpful, even with us foreigners of few words and understanding, and they stated that as part of the final take over of Sevillana they were bringing up to date the existing contracts. The new contracts as you will notice run for one year, thus allowing for price variations (i.e. increasing costs).
They also stated that unless inspected, and the rate of supply was verified, and that you had an ICP (circuit breaker) , they would assume that you received a minimum of 2kw for the ICP and charge accordingly.