JIMENA As the summer heats up, so does the local musical scene. Check this site (or the UpcomingEvents Calendar, which probably needs updating) for all the things coming up this weekend and the next (just scroll down, luv. No, not you, the screen! Yes, with the little wheel on your mouse, or the arrows ... that's right!) And here's a bit of classical stuff that goes back to, well, prehistory. See, this is band that originally got together in the 70s, went their various ways (if you click on the image, and enlarge it, you'll recognize several members) but came back together - guess they figure if the Stones can still be touring as over-60s, why shouldn't they? The band is, and always was, called Oba, which is not to be confused with any bars in town, and they're playing on the terrace at the rear of Cuenca Restaurant on Saturday, July 23 at about 10pm (we guess). Plus a hilarious comic duo, also from Jimena, Jorge Delgado and Tobi Quiros (we dare you to recognize them!), though your Andaluz Spanish has to be good to understand them fully.
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